The simple aim is to deliver the highest audience experience while also keeping the licensing local authority and public happy! Here is some more info on whats involved:
If you are planning a large live music event (such as a concert or music festival) you will be seeking permission from the local authority in the form of a license. A sound or noise management plan will normally be required to demonstrate that the noise impact from all aspects of the event has been thoroughly considered. These typically include, but are not limited to:
All sound from regulated entertainment (PA systems from stages etc...)
Noise from site activity and their positioning - plant noise, generators, traffic.
Noise from build, breakdown.
Sound from members of the public and vendors.
Calculation and/or modelling of offsite levels from regulated entertainment at relevant receptors.
Control and management methods.
Such licenses will typically have limits for regulated entertainment music noise levels (MNL) and usually that someone 'competent and suitably qualified' will be appointed to monitor and advise throughout the event (usually accredited by the Institute of Acoustics). As per relevant British Standards, there will also be requirement for the equipment used to meet certain routine calibration standards (we only use class 1 certificated equipment).
The purpose of all this is to avoid preventative action being taken in the form of a 'statutory nuisance' by telling the local authority what you intend to do in advance and sticking to it. Members of the public can also make private claims against you for a statutory nuisance through the courts (without the local authority) and the police also have their own powers to prosecute. Therefore, to ensue continued and uninterrupted operation of an event, it is very important to ensure all sound is thoroughly planned and regulated entertainment is monitored effectively to demonstrate compliance and avoid unreasonable enforcement.
JG Acoustics can discuss license conditions with the local authority pre-event. We can produce noise calculation models using SoundPlan v9 to assess a sites feasibility, identify receptors offsite that are vulnerable and advise on how to mitigate this. A proposed method of monitoring can be provided for the event - typically sound level meters are on each stage and we undertake a mix of routine attended or unattended offsite measurements while responding promptly to any complaints.
We would advise production throughout to ensure that levels are maintained on site for a high level of audience experience - as that is what we are all there to deliver! This will ensure that everyone can have an amazing time, sound engineers to get on with doing their job and the public and council are kept happy. Our report will also help ensure a license can be again granted in future years,
If you would like to discuss this with us do not hesitate to email or call +447946265086.
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